საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტის ნიკო მუსხელიშვილის სახელობის საუნივერსიტეტო ბიბლიოთეკა

Niko Muskhelishvili University Library of Georgian Technical University

Activities of thinking in social spaces / Tania Zittoun and Antonio Iannaccone, editors. - N.Y. : "NOVA", 2014. - x, 295 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm. - ( Education in a competitive and globalizing world ).

Price .80 L.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Overview : the social spaces of the activity of thinking / Aantonio Iannaccone and Tania Zittoun -- Social interaction and cognitive development : three generations of post-Piagetian research / Charis Psaltis -- Using tests to assess cognitive competence : a situated practice / Michèle Grossen -- Piaget, Vygotskij and the European approach in social psychology of education : a space for a virtuous dialogue? / Felice Carugati and Patrizia Selleri -- The critical incident of cube corner : an alliance between girls and rationality? / Gerard Vergnaud -- Frames, framing and thinking space : a socio-cultural exploration within an educational project / Nathalie Muller Mirza -- Social interactions in families and schools as contexts for the development of spaces of thinking / Clotilde Pontecorvo and Francesco Arcidiacono -- Reasoning about evolution : metaphors in teacher students' rendering of Darwinian ideas / Niklas Pramling and Rroger Säljö -- Variations on the enigma of sameness / John Rijsman -- Authoritative or authoritarian voices in traditional dyadic learning in Jewish institutions / Baruch Schwarz -- The argumentative commitment of learner and teacher in Dante's vision / Eddo Rigotti -- Inter- and intra-empowerment mechanisms : contributions to mathematical thinking and achievement / Margarida Cesar -- Talking to learn- and learn- and learn : a conversation / Lauren Resnick and Faith Schantz -- Becoming aware persons, thanks to school (as well) / Maria-Luisa Schubauer-Leoni -- Selection and marginalization in education as a political process / Heinz Gilomen -- An evening in Italy : a sociocultural dialogue with Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont and Gerard Duveen on a scientific trajectory / Tania Zittoun -- Spaces of freedom : thinking the future / Tania Zittoun and Antonio Iannaccone.

9781631177637 (hardcover)


Thougt and thinking--Social aspects.
Cognition--Social aspects.
Educational sociology.


BF441 / .A26 2014


159.955 / 1

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